Monday, March 24, 2014

To commute or not to commute...that is the question!

To commute or not to commute...that is the question!
It is a fact that the majority of students who go to college in New Jersey commute to college. If you are thinking of living on campus, consider the facts: 
  • Be aware! The cost of living on campus can almost double your cost of attending college. This is important to remember. Although most college students want to experience what it's like to have more independence and live away from home, think about whether it  will be worth living away from home if you have to take student loans to do so. The four years spent at college pass very quickly, but student loans must be paid off for 10 or more years. It may be more valuable to you to exert your independence by spending a lot of time at college while commuting there, instead of living at college. 
  • On the other hand, most commuters find that they need to travel to campus early to get a parking space before classes, since parking is limited at just about all colleges. 
  • If you decide that you do want to live on campus, you need to apply for on-campus housing early. At all the New Jersey campuses, on-campus housing is limited, since most to the students are commuters. If you are thinking of living on campus, your best bet is to apply for housing early, before you miss out. 
  • However, be aware that most colleges have a non-refundable housing deposit. At Kean University, the deadline date for applying for and submitting your deposit for on-campus housing is May 1, 2014. 
  • If you want more detailed information about on-campus housing for the Fall and Spring semesters at Kean University, visit the webpage for the Office of Residence Life

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